The vision of our company is to become a world class natural rubber plantations management company by 2014. One of our strategies is to preserve, nurture & protect the environment while harvesting the forestlands with productive plants that are inherent to our fertile & rich soil of Sri-Lanka. Our company has been able to strive forward with determination & focus to show the rest of our competitors that it is entirely feasible to launch & manage a successful business enterprise that benefits the community by providing jobs at the same time preserving the nature for our future generation.

We have been able to exemplify to the world that you can grow your profit margins & run a successful business operation by taking care of the local community who in turn helps you to achieve the standards of your operation. We at Lalan Rubbers (Private) Ltd. (LRPL) firmly believe in giving something back to the community & the environment that sustain the livelihood of our business.

Our strategy is to implement careful & long-term forest management concepts to ensure longevity of tree plantations that can enrich not only our business but the lives of our local community as well as sustain the environment for a better tomorrow.

The rubber plantation industry in Sri Lanka has been established over 150 years. Through nationalization program in 1975 these rubber plantations were managed by two Government Cooperations until 1992. Following a World Bank Report these plantations were then re-privatized to 23 plantation companies. Lalan Plantations Ltd has been awarded a long term sub-lease of 42 years ending in 2045 from Bogawantalawa Plantations Ltd. to manage plantation in 4 groups (Mahaoya, Pitiakande, Sapumalkande and Udabage) consisting of 13 estates. This arrangement has been approved by the Golden Share Holder and Ministry of Plantation Industries.

The organizational system of the company consists of a Chairman followed by a Director responsible for the Lalan Rubber Agricultural Division. Within the division there are 4 General Managers who are responsible for each Group. The Managers are responsible for the management of each estate normally in cooperation with an assistant manager. There is a Human Resource Unit responsible for the employees and their training needs.

Lalan Rubbers (Pvt) Ltd was granted FSC™ status under the registration No CU-FM/COC-828688 valid from 2 nd September 2010 to 2 nd September 2015. This certification is subject to annual audits by FSC™ auditors. We now have the facility to derive the benefits of trading locally and internationally Estate produce, finished goods and Forestry products with the FSC™ logo.

Other certifications granted